- Searching for evidence of strongly-coupled dark matter from hidden sectors in the forms of semivisible jets, emerging jets, and soft unclustered energy patterns.
- L2 Simulation Convener: coordinating CMS simulation for detector, geometry, and electronics.
- Developing
SONIC (Services for Optimized Network Inference on Coprocessors) for CMS and other experiments (ATLAS, DUNE, IceCube, LIGO).
- L3 Machine Learning for Simulation (ML4Sim) Convener: organizing projects to use machine learning for detector simulation.
- Developing graph neural networks for fast and accurate clustering with the High Granularity Calorimeter.
- L2 Offline/Computing Upgrade Software Coordinator and Deputy Release Manager: reviewing code, managing workflows and needs of various subdetector groups, integrating pull requests and building releases.
- Searching for supersymmetry via production of gluinos and squarks with hadronic final states in the 13 TeV data from the LHC.
The latest result, using the full Run 2 dataset, is available at
- L3 HCAL CMSSW Co-convener: coordinating HCAL software and simulation needs, focusing on the Phase 1 upgrades.
- Developing reconstruction algorithms and software for the High Granularity Calorimeter, focusing on computing performance.
- Supervising studies of the effects of endcap calorimeter radiation damage on physics performance.
Curriculum vitae: PDF,
This uses the LaTeX resume class res.cls. Merged .tex files were generated with flatex.

Here are a few recent highlights from my research:
I was promoted to Scientist (permanent) in December 2024.
I was awarded a Department of Energy Early Career Research Grant in October 2024.
I received the Universities Research Association Honorary Early Career Award in July 2024.
I led the largest-ever "HEP Takes the Hill" advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. in April 2024.
I was invited to give several plenary presentations:
I was awarded a Department of Energy Early Career Research Grant in October 2024.
I received the Universities Research Association Honorary Early Career Award in July 2024.
I led the largest-ever "HEP Takes the Hill" advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. in April 2024.
I was invited to give several plenary presentations:
- "AI and Beyond: New Techniques for Simulation and Design in HEP" at the Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics conference in May 2023;
- "Machine Learning for Particle Physics Experiments" at the ML4Jets conference in November 2023;
- "Evolution of Generation and Simulation Techniques in the AI/ML Era" at the APS April Meeting in April 2024;
- "Dark QCD: the Next Frontier in Dark Matter" at the Mitchell Conference in May 2024.
To the left, I am pictured standing in front of the CMS experiment. The background for this site is a