Kevin J. Pedro — Research

As a scientist, my current major responsibilities are:
Previous or minor responsibilities:

Curriculum vitae: pdf PDF, latex LaTeX
This uses the LaTeX resume class res.cls. Merged .tex files were generated with link flatex.

My CV only lists publications to which I contributed directly. Because the CMS experiment is a collaboration consisting of several thousand scientists and engineers, all publications are authored by the collaboration. Authorship for individual members is based on a certain minimum threshold of contributions to the experiment. My name appears on many papers to which I contributed indirectly, e.g. by developing commonly-used software or taking shifts in detector operations. A complete list of my publications can be found on inspire INSPIRE.

Here are a few recent highlights from my research:

I was promoted to Scientist (permanent) in December 2024.

I was awarded a Department of Energy Early Career Research Grant in October 2024.

I received the Universities Research Association Honorary Early Career Award in July 2024.

I led the largest-ever "HEP Takes the Hill" advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. in April 2024.

I was invited to give several plenary presentations:
I was promoted to Associate Scientist (tenure-track equivalent) in September 2019.

To the left, I am pictured standing in front of the CMS experiment. The background for this site is a link Higgs boson candidate event, showing a decay to two Z bosons, where one Z boson decays to two electrons and the other Z boson decays to two muons.